Friday, April 2, 2010

Crop for Cancer...One week away!!!

Are you signed up for Crop for Cancer? This is an American Cancer Society Relay for Life fundraising event. It's a 12-hour scrapbooking/paper crafting event to help raise money to fight cancer. It is set for Apr 10, from 10am - 10pm at the ConocoPhillips Atrium in Anchorage. The cost is $65. We're scheduled for a day packed with fun, friendship, and prizes. There are prizes for the top fund raisers, LOTS of door prizes, and great silent auction items. Come check it out, be productive, and help us raise some money to fight cancer!

If you can't make it to the event, but would like to support the cause, you can donate to our team here.

Thanks...I hope to see you there!!!


Debbie said...

thanks for the link to donate...the one on the crop for cancer website does not work...

I want to post on my blog and to my emails the information so they can donate... will it be under your team name or is it under my own name?

see you friday night at set up-Deb

Dalon said...

yeah!!! I'm getting so excited :-) looking forward to it Michelle - thanks so much for all you do!!!!