Monday, January 17, 2011

I'm here, really...

Have you given up on me? Ugh, I wouldn't blame you if you did. I'm still struggling with balance in my life...between family, work, working out, the house, and crafty time. And it's been prioritized in about that order. I am happy to say, though, that I was able to get a little craftiness done this weekend. I'm STILL working on finishing the calendars. The good news is they should be done this week (and before January is over...yeah!).

The other good news is I'm still on the wellness journey...and taking the Wellness Journey Class. I haven't gotten any scrapping done with it, but all the downloads are printed (does that count?). I hope to have more on that next weekend.

And I added a blinkie on my blog, for the other class I'm taking. It's Ali's One Little Word. I think I mentioned it, but just in case, I'll tell you again. My word is BALANCE. How perfect is that?!? I *really* need to figure out how to balance all this stuff in my life. In looking for a quote for balance (one of the exercises for class), I came across the word "no." I can't remember the exact quote or who said it, but it essentially had to do with saying no in order to achieve balance. I know one of my problems is my inability to say no. But I can't bring myself to use it in my journey to invite balance into my least not yet.

So no new craftiness to share, other than to encourage you to check out Big Picture Classes. I've been having a blast with them. Can't wait to see what else they have to offer this year. But more than that, I'd love the TIME to work on the projects.

1 comment:

Dalon said...

ahhh ... balance ... I'm with ya!! needing balance - more hours in the day - an easier way to set boundaries - a "just do it" attitude!!! so far I love all the BPC I have taken ... reluctant now because I can't seem to follow through with anything - glad to see you're still out here :-) I haven't touched my supplies lately ... and am having withdrawals! soon ... I can feel it comin' ;-) stay warm!!!