Sunday, September 18, 2011

More than half way done...

So I've wanted to pull my hair out a few times, but all in all, the weekend is going well.  The girls had Mickey pancakes courtesy of Daddy this morning, rainbow mac and cheese for lunch, and they made their own pizza's tonight (thanks to the big Boboli pack from Costco).  The coolest part of the day was playing "Erica's Big Game."  You can find the coolest ideas online!  The girls wrote things like:  move 3 back, jump up and down until your next move, sing a song, skip a turn, roll again, etc.  They had so much fun we played it twice.  I don't think the die would've held up for a third game.  And now they're watching "Tangled" and will go to bed after that (I hope).
Even with all the fun, I'm really looking forward to 11am tomorrow!  From now on Erica can have only ONE friend over at a time!

1 comment:

KHudson said... are one brave momma! I had 3 boys here for my sons 8th birthday sleepover and it was crazy. But for two'm impressed! :)