As you know, I'm a HUGE scrap lifter...I can lift just about anything. Some times it looks real similar and some times I just take a few elements from a few different layouts and combine them. The problem is, when I try to start from scratch, my layouts don't look very nice. So I am taking the class to try and LEARN about DESIGN so I can do my own layouts and not have to lift all the time.
OK, so here are the first two layouts from the class. The color scheme for the entire class is brown-green-red. All the layouts are based on Cathy's sketches. The 12x12 layout uses Granola alphas from Basic Grey and papers from the ACBailey May KOTM. The second layout is two-page 8-1/2 x 11 spread. It uses red CS from JoAnn's and stickers from a Disney kit I bought at Costco. I'm not quite sure why I'm into doodling, but both these layouts have doodling boxes around everything...
And I guess I should talk about the layouts...sorry. The first one I've blogged about already, it's the 2009 Alaska State Fair. The second one is the Go-Coaster at Disneyland in Jan 2009. I wrote about how Erica was really scared at first and we had to walk right thru the car the first time. But she finally gave in and eventually rode with everyone, including Grandma. The last part of the journaling talks about not letting Jeff fool ya...he doesn't like coasters and if you look closely you can see his white knuckles as he holds onto the bar.